Apple unveiled the newest version of its Apple Watch software, WatchOS 4, at its annual developer’s conference on Monday. The new software will have improved fitness tracking, new and more customizable watch faces, better Siri integration, and helpful …
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Watch Apple’s video that shows a post-apocalyptic physical App Store
Apple opened its 2017 Worldwide Developer Conference with a video showing what would happen if all the app servers went down and the world was forced to recreate the apps physically in the real world. Check out the hysterical video here. Follow Tech …
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The next Apple Watch OS will be even more useful in the gym
If you haven’t heard, Apple is now a health company. The Apple Watch is evolving into an even more health-focused powerhouse, and the latest version of the watchOS reflects that. The best-selling wearable on the market (well, estimated, since Tim Cook …
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WWDC 2017: Apple unveils iOS 11, iMac Pro and 10.7-inch iPad Pro
Tim Cook has taken to the stage at Apple’s worldwide developers’ conference to announce a host of upgrades to its software, as well as a host of anticipated new products. The announcements include the best features of iOS 11, 10.5-inch iPad Pro, and …
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Apple Store is down pointing to certain hardware announcements at WWDC 2017
San Jose, CA – Good news for anyone hoping for new Apple hardware announcements coming today from Apple’s WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference) here in San Jose. The online Apple Store is down, this is usually a sign that we can expect some product …
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This video of iOS 11 on the iPhone 8 is almost definitely better than the real thing
Apple apparently has refreshed MacBook Pro models in store, a brand new iPad Pro with a larger display packed into a case that’s the same size as the 9.7-inch model, and even a new Siri Speaker that marks the company’s first brand new iOS product of 2017.
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Apple Store down ahead of MacBook, iPad Pro announcements at WWDC 2017
As if we needed any more proof that Apple was going to unveil new hardware at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference today, the Apple Store went down at around 8:00 AM ET on Monday morning. Apple regularly takes the online store down shortly before …
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Apple Store iOS App Has A Hidden Dark Mode Ahead Of iOS 11
For years now, especially since the release of iOS 7, many users have wanted a dark mode in iOS. While it was rumoured that iOS 10 will bring about such a feature, it never saw fruition. This time over, it seems like a dark mode (or theatre mode, as it has …
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Apple Store down ahead of WWDC keynote, with new Siri speaker, iPads and Macs expected
The Apple Store is offline ahead of its big event today. The company is holding its Worldwide Developers Conference where it will show off the software that will power the iPads, Macs and iPhones of the future. But it’s also going to start selling some of …
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Apple Store goes offline ahead of possible new hardware at WWDC
Like clockwork, Apple takes its online store offline ahead of any major new production introductions. Today’s live-streamed WWDC keynote is no exception: with just a few hours left until the keynote presentation begins, Apple Online Stores around the …
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WWDC 2017: Apple’s ‘Files’ app for iOS appears on App Store
WWDC 2017 is barely a few hours away and right before the official launch, an all new iOS app has appeared on the Apple App Store. The new app is simply called ‘Files’ and unfortunately, there are no details regarding this new app. The iPhone and iPad …
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Apple's Online Store Goes Down Ahead of WWDC Keynote Later Today
Apple’s online store has temporarily closed its virtual doors ahead of today’s WWDC opening keynote at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. When clicking on the “Buy” button for a product on Apple’s website, such as a MacBook, the online store currently says “we’ve …
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Apple Store goes down ahead of new MacBooks and iPad Pro expected at WWDC 2017 keynote
Update: Store is back up already. Hmm, someone was a bit trigger happy? The time on the message read 8.01 PDT so they are probably fixing the error — the keynote starts at 10 AM Pacific. The Apple Store is down! We are expecting Apple to launch a new 10 …
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Counterpoint: D.C.'s Carnegie Library Is a Fine Place for an Apple Store
I get it. The building is old and ornate, and there’s some dissonance in imagining it as a place to purchase goods—though Apple has also emphasized their plan to host free daily classes on topics ranging from coding to photography. Like so many around …
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Will the iPhone 8 have a retina scanner? Fresh details of Apple's next smartphone are leaked ahead of today's developer's conference
The unverified employees wrote on Reddit that the new phone looked ‘more like an iPhone 7 with glass and without the AuthenTec’s capacitive touch module.’ They said they saw ‘test units with fingerprint scanners mounted below the glass, but performance …
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iOS 11: 6 things we want to see in Apple's new iPhone software
On Monday evening, Apple will give us a first look at iOS 11, its annual update to the iPhone and iPad operating system. It won’t be fully available to the public until later this year when the new iPhone comes out, but is released for developers to get …
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iPhone 6S & 6S PLUS Review – Are Last Gen’s Flagships Worth It In 2017?
iPhone 6S: iPhone 6S PLUS: …
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