It’s been another rough week in the real world, so why not block all of that out by staring at your phone all weekend? We’ve got a list of free iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps that should help you do just that! And if you act fast, you might even be …
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9 must have iPhone apps to enhance your iOS experience
Ever desired a file manager on iOS? Developed by Readdle, Documents (currently in its fifth iteration) is both a robust and a reliable app to manage the contents of your device. The app provides documents and media viewer that supports a large number of …
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5 Best Calendar Apps for iPhone You Should Try
Calendars are important productivity tools, and while the default calendar app on the iPhone is good enough, sometimes you might need additional features. It’s times like these when we all turn to the App Store, looking for similar apps that have better …
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Everything You Need to Know About Apple’s App Store Improvements
On September 1, Apple began notifying users that have submitted apps to the App Store about upcoming changes. If you are an app developer, you should already be familiar with this notification. If you are new to the app business or you’ve just put …
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The 11 best paid iPhone apps on sale for free today
There are dozens, even hundreds of paid iPhone and iPad apps that go on sale for free each day. The trick, of course, is separating the junk from the good stuff. You could spend an hour digging around to do it yourself, or you could just check out the list …
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10 amazing and special paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now
#iOS #App – 10 amazing and special paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now: Yesterday’s post covering the best paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free was a great one, and you can still download several of the apps listed there without paying a …
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10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now
Yesterday’s post covering the best paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free was a great one, and you can still download several of the apps listed there without paying a dime. We’ve got a fresh new batch for you today though, and it covers some very …
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Apple explains why it booted an app from the App Store, and implies its developer was lying
Last week a firestorm erupted when Apple booted from its App Store a popular app for coders called Dash, and deleted the developer’s account. And now Apple is publicly explaining itself. Apple App Store spokesperson Tom Neumayr first told Jim Dalrymple at …
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Free today: 10 Lifestyle Apps for iPhone and iPad
#Lifestyle #App – Free today: 10 Lifestyle Apps for iPhone and iPad: Is there a better way to enjoy your life without the collection of free apps for your iPhone or iPad? I didn’t think so. Today we’ve got 10 fresh, totally free apps for you to …
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11 excellent iPhone apps on sale for free a limite time
#iOS #App – 11 excellent iPhone apps on sale for free a limite time: This weekend is Labor Day weekend which means one thing and one thing only: school is starting. Let’s turn those frowns upside down for at least a few minutes with a list of 11 paid …
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12 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time
Today’s list of paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free is easily our best list of the week so far, and not just because it’s also our biggest. We’ve got some fantastic apps for you today headlined by fan favorite Magic Launcher Pro. There are …
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11 paid iPhone apps on sale for free today
Well, we’ve done it. Despite how great our list of paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free was yesterday, we’ve managed to put together an even better list today. We’ve got a killer weather app, several hot sticker packs including separate packs …
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9 beautiful paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time
#iOS #App – 9 beautiful paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time: Apple fans, we’ve got a great list of paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free for you today, and it’s headlines by not one or two but three new sticker packs that help …
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New Opera Max gives your apps more privacy on Android than on iPhone
Today, we are starting a gradual roll-out of the new version of Opera Max. As the leading data management and data saving app for Android, Opera Max provides tools to make your app data usage more transparent so that you can easily control when and how to …
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Free iPhone Apps That You Should Download Right Now: Free Apps For A Limited Time Only
Apple’s App Store has been showcasing a lot of apps. There are free iPhone apps, but there are also apps that some people do not want to pay for. Here are some paid apps that are free for a limited time. Do not miss a great opportunity from app …
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Apple mysteriously banned a popular app from its App store … and a lot of programmers are mad
Apple has banned a popular app for programmers from its app store, as well as deleted the app developer’s account, the developer says. The app, called Dash, is for Macs and iOS. It’s been around for years. It lets developers easily find and insert …
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10 paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time
It’s hump day, and one of the best ways to get over the hump is to download a bunch of free apps to distract you from the fact that Friday is still two whole days away. Thankfully, we’ve managed to cobble together a list of 10 free iPhone, iPad and …
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